
Magical Fun Discount Magic Store



Revised 6/16/10

SPECIAL CATALOG SALE! Regular $15 ( $5 credit off first purchase)Sale for a limited time $12.50 (still $5 credit off first purchase)







For full descriptions order the complete catalog. Don't forget that your prices will be 10% to 25% lower than the regular retail prices* shown below:

(*Note: Retail prices shown below could be subject to change as suppliers and/or manufacturers advise us.)

25 Tricks with a Scotch & Soda & Dime & Penny (VIDEO)….107 1415-W50 $10.00
25 Tricks with a Stripper Deck (VIDEO) 107 1417-W50 $10.00
25 Tricks with a Svengali Deck (VIDEO) 107 1418-W50 $10.00
25 Tricks with a Thumbtip (VIDEO) 107 1414-W50 $10.00
25 Tricks with Sponge Balls (VIDEO) 107 1412-W50 $10.00
A Close-up Look At My Birthday Party Lectures 10, 95 102/ 1298-W50 $6.50
Act, The 85-1161-W50 $6.00
Advanced Coin Technique: Spellbound (Video) 80 1098-W40 $40.00
After 10,000 Shows 9 92-W50 $5.00
Airborne Glass 18 226-W50 $6.50
Ali Bongo's Growing Hat 104 1390-W40 Out of Stock
All About Sponges Balls (Video) 80 1092-W40 $40.00
All Alike 43 618-W40 $5.00
All People Smile in the Same Language (Plex Pin) 93 1257-W50 $3.50
Alphabet House 105 1396-W40 $85.00
Amazing Growing Clown Hat 104 1389-W40 Out of Stock
Amazing Tricks with Cards (VIDEO) 107 1411-W50 $10.00
Amazing Tricks with Money (VIDEO) 107 1413-W50 $10.00
An Unusual Beginning, An Entertaining End(s) 95 1299-W50 $6.50
Animal Hunt 66 925-W40 $18.00
Animal Squares…W50 $7.50
Ankle Shackles… 23-307-W40 $25.00
Aqua Vase (Mini) (Satin Finish) 70 981A-W40 $35.00
Aqua Vase (Satin Finish) 70 980A-W40 $40.00
Aqua Vase Bag 70 982-W40 $6.00
Aqua Vase Bag (Mini) 70 983-W40 $5.00
Arm… 83 1138-W40 $10.00
Aquarium… 86- 1166-W40 $125.00
Art of Gospel Magic (Art Zachman) 13 174-W40 $6.50
Atomic Light Bulb 90 1211-W45 $5.00
Attaboy Rabbit 106 1410-W40 $65.00
Aviator Deck 47 666-W40 $2.50
Baby Pickle 55 787-R FREE
Backstage Ala Pickle 105 1402-W40 $50.00
Baffling Beads 54 767-W50 $3.00
Baffling Bra 67 942-W40 $16.50
Baffling Four Canisters 52 743-W40 $45.00
Baffled Beyond…W40 $15.00


Ball & Vase 54, 94 773/ 1281-W50 $2.00
Ball To Rabbit 62 886-W40 $6.95
Ball to Big Bunny 86 1166-W50 $10.00


Balls, Mini Miracle (Size 1) 33 474-W50 $12.50
Balls, Mini Miracle (Size 2) 33 475-W50 $18.00
Bang Gun 27 376-W50 $2.00
Bang Gun-Extended Barrel 83 1133-W50 $5.00
Basics Of Expert Card Technique (Video) 80 1096-W40 $40.00
Basics Of Expert Coin Technique (Video) 80 1097-W40 $40.00
Battery Erasers 91 1231-W50 2 @ 75¢
Bead Trick 104 1387-W40 $18.00
Beginner's Magic (Video) 80 1080-W50 $15.00
Believer's Bag 78 1044-W40 $15.00
Belly Buzzer 102 1369-W40 $25.00
Bet-Cha 103 1381-W40 $8.00
Better Reception (Antenna) 25 346-W40 $8.50
Bewildered 47 679-W40 $6.00
Big Bad Kong 111 1461-W40 $75.00
Big Bet 48 695-W50 $15.00
Bill Snatcher 49 696-W50 $1.50
Bill To Matches 39 534-W50 $3.50
Bill Transformation 103 1382-W50 $16.00
Bird Warblers W40--$1.00
Bits & Pieces 9 91-W50 $5.00
Big Bunny…(Sponge)… 86-----1166-W50-- -$10.00
Black & White…… 39---542-W50--$10.00
Black Flocked Top Hat… 61---862-W50--$5.00
Black Stallion 18 225-W40 $25.00
Blank Gun 27 374-W40 $20.00
Blank Jumbo Bicycle Deck 47 676-W40 $30.00
Blanks (100) 27 375-W40 $10.00
Blinking Bow Tie 92 1248-W45 $5.00
Blood Capsules 89 1203-W50 $1.50/5
Bloogle Tube… 34--488-W50---$3.25
Blue Bagoona 17 218-W40 $50.00
Bob Hill's Symbols of Faith 78 1046-W40 $2.50
BOO-BOO Bar 21 282-W40 $35.00
Booby Traps 82 1122-W50 $1.25/12
Bottomless Glass 53 762-W50 $4.50


Brainwave ..47 672-W50-$6.95
Brazil Whistle ..90 1214-W50-$1.00
Breakout ..38 527-W40--$15.00
Breakthrough…36 503-W50-$2.50
Briefcase, Miniature 112 1462-W50-$10.00
Buddha Money Mystery 94 1266-W50--$3.00
Bulb Horn 92 1246-W50--$4.50
Bumped Out Liberty Bell Half 41 588-W40--$12.00



Cake Pan 112 1463-W40--$40.00
Calorie Diet 58 819-W50--$1.00
Camera Key Chain 49 701-W50-$1.50
Cap Gun-Clear 90 1221-W50-$3.50
Card-Toon 4, 85 15/ 1163-W40--$15.00
Card Magic (Video) 80 1083-W50--$15.00
Card Paddle 43 620-W40 $3.50
Card Tripod 71 987-W40 $40.00
Cards: Takin' Care Of Business 104 1395-W50 $12.00
Carnival Ribbon 58 813-W40 $35.00
Case, Mini 30 424-W35 $25.00
Case Deluxe 30 423-W35 $45.00
Cedar Card Box 86 1165-W50 $15.00
Celebrate The Seasons 13, 77 175/ 1036-W50-$5.00
Cellular Phone 25 344-W50 $5.00
Certificate: Magician's Assistant (Mini) 60 849-W50 $5.00/100
Certificate: Magician Assistant 60 848-W50 $3.50
Certificate: Honorary Clown 60 850-W50 $3.50
Certificate Of Magic 60 851-W50 $3.50
Chameleon Silk (Tenyo) 64 905-W40 $12.00
Chained… 82-1120-W50- $10.00
Chase The Ace 46 661A-W40 $8.50
Chattering Teeth W50--$5.00
Cheek To Cheek 44 636-W40 $6.50
Chef's Hat 30 421-W40 $7.00
China Change 37 508-W40 $12.00
Chinese Prayer Vase 94 1268-W50 $2.50
Chinese Wallets W50--$1.00
Chinese Sticks 50, 94 713/1284-W45 $6.00
Choice Is Yours 77 1037-W50 $10.00
Choice Is Yours (Jumbo-Jumbo/Stage)…77-- 1038-W40-- $20.00
Choose One From Column A 95 1300-W50 $6.50
Chop Cup (Video) 80 1093-W40 $40.00
Christianity In The World 13 176-W40 $10.00
Christmas Hanky-Double Pocket 100 1351-W50 $10.00
Christmas Stocking Tote 30 422-W40 $15.00
Cigarette Burn 67 939-W50 $1.25
Cigarette Loads 93 1255-W50 $2.00
Cigarette Thru Quarter 37 510-W40 $20.00
Circle To Square 57 806-W40 $6.50
Circular PowRSaw w/Fall Off Board… 105-- 1398-W40- $40.00
Classic Con 21 272-W50 $4.00
Clear Force Bag 52 741-W50 $5.00
Clear Drawer Box……72--997-W50-- $40.00
Clip Art, Christmas 19 239-W10 $5.00
Clip Art-Balloon 19 237-W10 $5.00
Clip Art-Clown 19 238-W10 $5.00
Clip Art-Magicians #1 19 235-W10 $5.00
Clip Art-Magicians #2 19 236-W10 $5.00
Close-Up Case 98 1331-W40 $110.00
Cloth Covered Snake 67 938-W40 $6.00
Clown Fun For Everyone 12 157-W40 $6.50
Clown Hat 59 824-W50 $12.50
Clown In You: Basic Textbook (Snowberg) 11 129-W40 $10.00
Clown Memo Pad 84 1148-W50 $1.25/pad
Clown Nose 101 1363-W50 $10.00
Clown Nose: Stage Size 102 1364-W50 $15.00
Clown Skits For Christ 79 1057-W40 $6.00
Clowning For Christ 79 1059-W40 $6.95
Clown Story…W40- $5.00
Coathanger & Pin.39--536-W50--$5.00
Coil, Mouth - Mini 25 347-W40 $7.00/12
Coil and Ring 94 1269-W50 $1.25
Coils: Thumbtip Coils 25 350-W40 $6.50/12
Coils: Mouth Coil-Standand (26')… 25 348-W40 $8.00/12
Coils: Mouth Coil-Jumbo (46')… 25 349-W40 $13.50/12
Coils: Dye Tube Coils 25 351-W40 $6.50
Coin Con 98 1332-W50 $3.00
Coin Paddle 54 774-W50 $2.00
Coin Slide 50 720-W50 $1.00
Color Changing Ball To Jumbo Square 62 885-W40 $3.00
Color Changing Ball To Square-Giant… 86- 1167-W50--- $8.00
Color Changing Knife 100 1347-W40 $6.00
Color Changing Knife-Giant 100 1348-W40 $10.00
Color Changing Paper 53 754-W50 $5.00
Color Changing Shoelaces 17 220-W40 $10.00
Color Changing Wreath (Feathers)… 82- 1117-W50-- $20.00
Color Monte 47 662-W40 $5.00
Color Vision 94 1279-W50 $2.00
Colorful Magic (David Ginn) 11 112-W40 $12.00
Coloring Book, Bible 15 190-W40 $10.00
Coloring Book, 3-Way Royal 17 213-W40 $7.00
Coloring Book, 3-Way Clown 17 214-W50 $8.00
Coloring Book, Dummy Clown 17 215-W40 $5.00 Colossal Ring Free…66-929-W50- $6.50
Comedy & Magic Of Steve Bender 10 101-W50 $5.00
Comedy Linking Rings (David Ginn) 11 116-W40 $5.00
Comedy Signs w/Plex Stand 59 825-W40 $20.00
Comedy Warm-Ups For Children's Shows (David Ginn) 11 118-W40 $5.00
Confetti Bucket 73 1004-W40 $40.00
Confetti Launcher 74 1018-W40 $20.00
Confetti, Mylar 74 1018A-R $1.50/bag
Confusing Crayons… 24-319-W40- $45.00
Contract Book 10 109-W40 $15.00
Copper Plated 1943 Penny 36 505-W40 $1.00
Copper Silver Coin 37 513-W40 $8.50
Crayons, Vanishing 17 216-W50 $10.00
Crazy Hammer, Mini 4 14-W50 Gone
Crazy Cube 94 1270-W50 $2.00
Crazy Faucet 92 1237-W40 $3.00
Crazy Hammer 4, 101 12/ 1355-W40 $10.00
Crazy Spots 63 890-W40 $6.00
Crazy String 57 812-W40 $3.00
Creative Magic (Video) 80 1099-W40 $60.00
Credit Slasher 63 899-W40 $22.95
Creepy Ants 89 1200-W50 $2.00
Creepy Finger 64 918-W50 $1.00
Creepy Hand 64 916-W50 $2.50
Cross Reference 77 1042-W40 $6.00
Crystal Coin Case 39 541-W50 $1.00
Cube: Large Crystal Clear Magic Cube 33 470-W50 $25.00
Cube: Crystal Clear Magic Cube 33 469-W50 $16.00
Cube: Spring Loaded Crystal Clear Magic Cube 33 471-W50 $55.00
Cube: Crystal Clear Magic Cube-Spring Loaded-Deluxe 33 472-W50 $60.00
Cube: Crystal Cube 33 473-W50 $6.00
Cubio (Tenyo)…63-895-W40-$6.00


Cylinder Of Plenty 74 1014-W40 $45.00
Cylinder Of Plenty - Mini W40 $35.00
D.J.'s Perfect Card Trick 83 1135-W50 $4.00
Daniel and the Lions 78 1045-W40 $30.00
Death Device 23 311-W40 $30.00
Deck-Jumbo Bicycle 47 677-W40 $16.50 Deck Of A Different Color 45 648-W50 $5.50
Del Wilson-12 Gospel Tricks 79 1053-W40 $6.00
Del Wilson-12 Gospel Tricks You Can Make 79 1055-W40 $6.00
Del Wilson-12 Impromptu Gospel Tricks 79 1052-W40 $6.00
Del Wilson-12 Tricks With Thumbtip 79 1054-W40 $6.00
Deluxe Card Rise Box 48 692-W40 $45.00
Developing Clown Ministry Programs 79 1060-W40 $6.95
Devil's Hanky, Silky Double Pocket -Deluxe 29 407-W50 $12.00
Devil's Hanky, Double Pocket 29 406-W50 $10.00
Dewey's-Gospel Cartoon Fun 79 1063-W40 $5.00
Dewey's-Gospel Juggling Skits 79 1062-W40 $5.00
Dewey's-Gospel Paper Tricks 79 1064-W40 $5.00
Dewey's Easy Gospel Chalk Talks 13 165-W40 $6.00
Dewey's Gospel Cartoon Chalk Talks 13 166-W40 $6.00
Dewey's Gospel Clown Skits #1 13 167-W40 $5.00
Dice Changing Box 96-1321-W50-$12.00
Dice Bomb…W50-$9.00
D'Lite…W50-- $15.00
Dime To Penny 39 532-W50 $5.00
Dime To Penny (Non-Locking) 39 533-W50 $5.00
Dining Out…72-999-W40- $10.00
Disappearing Ink 49 697-W50 85¢
Dizzy Dial 110 1452-W50 $3.50
Do As I Do 47 678-W50 $3.50
Domino Principle 101 1358-W50--$16.00
Don't Blink 38 524-W40-$7.50
Double-Headed Dime 41 558-W40-$4.00
Double-Headed Half 41 560-W40--$8.50
Double-Headed Nickel 41 557-W40-$4.00
Double-Headed Penny 41 556-W40-$2.50
Double-Headed Quarter 41 559-W40-$6.50
Double Or Nothing 38 528-W50-$6.00
Double Sockets 93 1212-W40-$25.00
Double Spinning Card Wheel 43 621-W40--$35.00
Double Suction Cup 67 940-W50-$1.25
Dove Tray 68 952-W40--$100.00
Dragon's Breath 27 383-W50-$5.00
Dragon's Breath (Twice As Much) 27 384-W50--$7.50
Drawer Box 94 1278-W50--$3.50
Dribble Glass 91 1233-W50-$3.00
Duplicating Dollars 58 822-W40--$12.50
Duplicator 40 554-W50--$4.00
Dusheck's Card Magic 12 146-W40-- Out of stock contact: http://www.stevedusheck.com/index.html
Dusheck's Coin Magic No. 2 12 145-W40--Out of stock contact: http://www.stevedusheck.com/index.html
Dusheck's Mental Magic 12 147-W40-Out of stock contact: http://www.stevedusheck.com/index.html
Dusheck's Thumb Tip Magic 12 144-W40-Out of stock contact: http://www.stevedusheck.com/index.html
Dye Tube 70 979-W40--$6.50
E.S.P. Baby 100 1354-W40--$7.00
Easy Gospel Cartoons 79 1058-W40-$5.95
Easy Gospel Magic You Can Do 94--1286-W40--$7.00
Easy Gospel Magic You Can Do #2 94-1287-W40--$7.00
Echo Killer Key Chain 64 901-W50- O/S
Echo Mic 53 752-W50--$4.00
Electric Deck 45 643-W40-$7.00
Electronic Hot Book 27 379-W40--$45.00
Electronic Rating Pen…W50--$4.00
Electronic Finger Flash W40--$35.00
Enchanted Folding Bill w/Real Dollar Bill 40 553-W40--$9.00
Escape Shackle w/Two Padlocks 23 309-W40--$20.00
ESP Do It! 51-732-W50--$10.00
ESP Oracle 44 632-W50-$5.00
ESP Miracle.W50--$7.50 ESP Revelation..51- 737-W50--$7.50
Expanded 50¢ Shell 39 540-W40---$23.00
Expanding Wand… 4,5,26- 365-W50-$2.00
Exploding Cedar Outhouse 102 1368-W40--$12.00
Extended Band Gun… 27-377-W50---$5.00
Extending Fork… 25- 333W40--$5.00
Eyeball (Sponge) 53 755-W50--$3.00
Eyeball Paddle 40 547-W50--$4.50
Eyeball Man… 75-- 1020-W50---$1.50
Eye Tester.W50--$5.00 Eye Tester Deluxe-- W50--$10.00
Faces Of Men 13 177-W50--$8.50
Fan, Fallapart 25 331-W50-$7.50
Fanark Tickets 49 702-W50--50¢/12
Fantasio's Vanishing Wand (Or Wand To Silks) 26 362-W40--$20.00
Fantasio's New Appearing Candle 26 360-W40--$35.00
Fantasio's Color Changing Cane 26 358-W40--$50.00
Fantasio's Appearing Candle (Or Silk To Candle) 26 363-W40--$25.00
Fantasio's Appearing Cane (Or Silk To Cane) 26 357-W40--$25.00
Fantasio's Triple Color Changing Cane 26 359-W40--$75.00
Fantasio's Vanishing Candle (Or Candle-Silk) 26 361-W40--$25.00
Fantasio's Vanishing Cane (Or Cane To Silks) 26 356-W40--$25.00
Feather Flowers From Nowhere (Book) 11 113-W40--$12.00
Fifty-Five Dollar Bills 41 575-W50--$1.00/7
Fifty Ways To Make Children Laugh (Ginn) 11 114-W40--$15.00
Find The Ace (Poker Size-Bicycle Backs) 48 688-W40 $6.00
Find The Lady 38 530-W40 $7.50
Finger Blister 54 765-W50 $3.50
Finger Flash 27 378-W50 $12.00
Finger Puppet-Mouse 88 1191-W40 $5.00
Fire Wallet 99 1336-W40 $30.00
First John 1:9 78 1051-W50 $12.00
First John 1:9 (Laminated) 78 1050-W40 $20.0o
Fism Act (Video) 80 1100-W40 $60.00
Flag Tote Bag Deluxe… 66-- 927-W50--$18.00
Flash Cotton 27 385-W40 $6.00
Flash Pads 27 381-W50 Out of Stock
Flash Paper 27 380-W50 $10.00
Flash Printer 59 829-W50 $3.00
Flash Printer (Deluxe) 64 902-W50 $7.00
Flash String 27 382-W40 $7.00
Flip Flop 106 1408-W50 $2.50
Floating Gimmick 57 809-W50 $5.00
Floating Match 54 768-W50 $5.00
Floor Nickel 37 515-W40 $1.00


Flurry 93 1265-W50 $6.00
Foam Hot Dogs 62 887-W40 $6.50


Folding Half 41 587-W40 $6.50
Folding Quarter 41 586-W40 $7.50
Folding Silk Top Hat… 61-- 861-W50-- $60.00
Folding Spoon…83--1136-W50-- $3.50
Fold Up Table… 65--919-W40- $275.00
Four Thimbles 58 817-W50 $2.00
Four Wrongs Make A Right 43 615-W50 $25.00
Free Drink Tickets 93 1261-W50 $1.50
Free Tickets 55 786-W50 $1.00/25
Freedom Ring 110 1454-W50 $4.00
Fullview Spelling Bee…W40--$50.00
Fun Snaps 88 1186-W50 75¢/50
Future Foretold 43, 51 617/ 731-W50 $10.00
Fuzzy Casper The Ghost 32 461-W50 $1.00
Gags, Stunts & Props For Quality Clown (Book) 13 168-W40 Out of Stock
Gambling Sleights For Magicians (Video) 80 1095-W40 $40.00
Games For The Silly 12 160-W40 $5.00
Gandall's Match Game 57 807-W40 $3.50
Garfield Magic Cards 93 1257-W50 $2.50
Get Clowning Outfit 30 420-W40-$40.00
Get Cookin' Outfit 30 419-W40--$40.00
Get Dancin 25 340-W50--$3.00
Ginn's-Behind The Scenes (Video) 79 1074-W40---$35.00
Ginn's-KIDBIZ 3 (Video) 79 1073A-W40-$35.00
Ginn's-Live KIDBIZ (Video) 79 1073-W40-$45.00
Ginn's-Magic They Love To See (Video) 79 1075-W40--$35.00
Ginn's Little Black Book 26 353-R---$5.00
Gloves, White Cotton 83 1131-W50---$2.00/pr.
Glue Ball 90 1217-W50--$2.00
Gold Plated Fifty Cents…103--1378-W40--$6.00
Good News Visualized (Glenn Tompkins) 13 173-W40--$5.00
Goodbye Paddle 40 546-W50--$3.50
Gospel Chips 78 1047-W40--$7.50
Gospel In Ropes 77 1034-W40---$7.50
Gospel Magic Plain & Simple…W40--$7.00
More Gospel Magic Plain & Simple…W40-$7.00
Gospel Magician's Digest 79 1072-W40--$6.95
Gospel Nickel, The Ickle Pickle 110 1453-W50--$3.50
Gospel Svengali Deck 14 185-W35--$10.00
Green Ickle Pickle Clown Noses 62 889-W40--$1.00
Gray Hare… 67- 946-W50-- $4.00
Growing Ball 62 888-W40---$5.00
Growing Ball & Tube 57 804-W40---$6.50
Growing Glove 59 826-W45--$16.00
Growing Pants Pocket 21 280-W50--$6.00
Growing Sock 59 827-W45---$16.00
Growing Tie 25 339-W50---$18.00
Hand Buzzer 49 699-W50--$1.75
Handcuffs 23 304-W50---$7.50
Happy Birthday Clown (Book) …… 10, 9 108/ 1295-W40--$6.50
Happy Birthday Surprise 66 923-W40--$15.00/12
Hardly Worth A Quarter 37 517-W50--$3.00
Hare Cut 25 341-W50---$6.00
Have A Ball!… 103- 1386-W40--$25.00
He Is Risen 14 188-W40--$10.00
Heaven 77 1039-W50---$5.00
Hershey Lover's Delight…W40--$10.00
High Sign (Mini) 19 233-W50-- $5.00
Highlighting The Bible 13 161-W50---$5.00
Hippity Hop Rabbits… 101--1362-W50--- $55.00
Hippity Hop Rabbits (Mini)… 101- 1361-W40--$20.00
Holy Bible Color Book 15 191-W40--$9.00
Hopping Half…W40--$32.00
Horror Ball 68 954-W50--$3.00
Hot-Rod -Mini Coin Set 37 520-W50---$18.50
Hot Rod-Dummy Mini Coin 37 519-W50--$8.50
Hot Rod-Walnut Mini Coin 37 518-W50--$12.50
Hot Rod (Black) 50 715-W40--$6.00
Hot Rod (Clear) 50 714-W40---$6.00
Houdini Ankle Escape Iron 23 307-W40--$25.00
Houdini Neck Collar 23 308-W40-$25.00
Houdini Wrist Escape Iron 23 306-W40--$25.00
House Of Hades 48 691-W50--$3.50
How Do You Tell The Difference? 40 549-W50--$3.00
How To Book on Chop Cup 10 110-W40--$6.00
How To Book On The Zombie 12 142-W40---$5.00
How To Do Instant Impressions #1… 12, 95 156/ 1296-W40 $6.50
How To Do Instant Impressions-Book 2 95 1297-W40 $6.50
How To Help Your Neighbor 14 187-W40 $3.50
How To Increase Birthday Party Business. 10 106-W50 $5.00
Human Calculator 51 735-W50 $5.00
Hundred Dollar Bill Silk…(Small)… 61- 853-W50--$6.50
Hundred Dollar Bill Silk (Large)…61--854-W50--$16.00
Hypnosis 94 1289-W40 $30.00
Hyrum 32 460-W40 $5.00
Ickle Pickle Gospel Nickel, The 110 1453-W50 $4.00
Ickle Pickle Nickel 36 500-W50 $4.00
Ickle Pickle Nickel Paddle 37 507-W50 $5.00
Ickle Pickle Nickle Machine…W50--$5.00
Images 10 98-W50 $5.00
IMP Bottle 54 771-W50 $1.50
Import Thumbtip 64 912-W50 $1.50
Impossible Penetration (Basswood) 55 778-W25 $40.00
Impossible Penetration (Walnut) 55 779-W25 $45.00
In The News 63 894-W40 $6.50
Incredi-Chips 51 729-W40 $7.50
Incredible Flexible Mirror 4 1-W45 $40.00
Oak Flexible Mirror $100.00
Incredible Jumping (color changing) Disc 110 1455-W50 $15.00
Incredible Traffic Light … 4, 106 15B/1404-W50 $5.00
Infamous Baffling Bra 67 942-W50 $16.00


Instant Development 78 1043-W40 $25.00
Instant Worms 91 1224-W50 59¢/4
Insurance Policy…W50--$4.00
Intelligence Test 49 703-W50 50¢/12
Invisible Jumbo Bicycle 47 674-W40 $30.00
Invisible Deck (Aviator) 47 670-W40 $5.00
Invisible Deck (Bicycle) 47 671-W40 $6.95
Invisible Hole 49 704-W50 $1.50
Invisible Quarters 46 649-W40 $16.00
Invisible Thread Reel 97 1323-W50 $40.00
Invisible Thread Reel-Micro 97 1324-W50 $50.00
Invisible Thread Reel-Super Micro 97 1325-W50 $40.00
Invisible Thread Reel Video 97 1327-W40 $20.00
Invisible Thread Reel Video #2 97 1328-W40 $20.00
Invisible Thread Pen Reel 97 1326-W50 $50.00
It's Fun To See Them Laugh 9 89-W50 $5.00
It's No Gamble Poker Deal 66 924-W50 $3.00
Itty Bitty Cylinder of Much… 70- 985-W40--$35.00
Jelly Bean Snake Can…W50--$8.50


Jumbo 2½ Of Spades (Bicycle Back) 48 685-W40 $4.50
Jumbo 3½ Of Clubs (Bicycle Back) 48 690-W40 $4.50
Jumbo 52 Cards On One w/3 Hearts 48 682-W40 $5.00
Jumbo 52 Cards On One w/Bicycle Back 48 681-W40 $5.00
Jumbo Deck (Import) 47 667-W50 $5.00
Jumbo Fullview Spelling Bee 87 1172-W40 $125.00
Jumbo Hot Rod (Black) 75 1025-W40 $7.50
Jumbo Hot Rod (Clear) 75 1026-W40 $7.50
Jumbo Jumbo The Choice Is Yours 77 1038-W40 $20.00
Jumbo King of Hearts 14 182-W40 $5.00
Jumbo 3" Lincoln Penny, Jefferson Nickel, or Washington Quarter ..41---590-W50 $3.00
Jumbo McCombical 46 661-W40 $30.00
Jumbo Playing Card 46 655-W50 $6.00
Jumbo Split Deck…W40--$30.00
Jumbo Svengali… 47- 676-W40--$30.00
Jumbo Quadempathy 4 631-W40 $35.00
Jumping Bandaged Finger 88 1194-W50 $2.00
Jumping Gems 75 1027-W40 $6.50
Jumping Silk…W40-- $30.00
Kaboom 51 736-W40 $3.00
Kant-Tear Paper 58 816-W40 $4.00
Karate Coin…W40-- $12.50
Kazoo, Plastic 32 466-W50 75¢
Key & Ring Mystery 99 1344-W50 $8.95
Key To The Kingdom 14 180-W40 $10.00
Kicker Teapot 100 1346-W40 $25.00
KIDBIZ 11 119-W40 $30.00

Kids Crusades 13 171-W40 $7.00
King of Hearts-Jumbo Size 14 182-W40 $5.00
King of Hearts-Pocket Size 14 183-W40 $3.00
King of Hearts-Stage Size 14 184-W40 $20.00
King Snake Can 92 1252-W50 $3.50
Kisses or Hugs 111 1460-W40 $12.50
Koala Bear Bar 98 1335-W40 $20.00
Krazy Loop 54 763-W50 $3.50
Kung-Fu 44 637-W50 $5.00
Label: Warning! These Premises Protected By magic 66 922-W50 $1.00/4
Label: Protected By Magic 56 791-W50 $1.00/10
Label: Protected By Wizardry 56 790-W50 $1.00/10
Laflin-Beautiful Gospel Magic 79 1067-W40 Out of Stock
Laflin-Comedy Collection For Intro. Gospel Themes 79 1068-W40 Out of Stock
Laflin-Dyanmic Gospel Magic 79 1070-W40 Out of Stock
Laflin-Making The Point w/Gospel Magic 79 1071-W40 Out of Stock
Laflin-Powerful Gospel Magic 79 1066-W40 Out of Stock
Laflin-Practical Gospel Magic 79 1065-W40 Out of Stock
Laflin-Strong Gospel Magic 79 1069-W40 Out of Stock
Large (Jumbo) Five Hundred Dollar Bills 41 572-W40 $3.50/10
Large (Jumbo) One Dollar Bills 41 569-W40 $3.50/10
Large (Jumbo) One Thousand Dollar Bills 41 573-W40 $3.50/10
Large (Jumbo) Two Dollar Bills 41 570-W40 $3.50/10
Large (Mini Jumbo) Five Dollar Bills 41 571-W40 $3.50/10
Large Pure Copper Penny 36 504-W40 $12.50
Laser Snake Pistol 19 231-W40 $35.00
Laugh 4, 10 7/95-W50 $5.00
Laugh Bag 87 1175-W50 $8.00
Laugh With A Gospel Slant 10 96-W50 $5.00
Laughing Mirror 85 1152-W50 $12.50
Laughing Mirror w/On-Off Switch 85 1153-W45 $20.00
Laughter Is Contagious-Start An Epidemic 9 90-W50 $5.00
Learn At Home Magic (Video) 80 1077-W50 $15.00
Learn How To Do Magical Illusions (Video) 80 1079-W50 $15.00
Leg 83 1139-W40 $10.00
Let's Start Over 99 1341-W50 $12.00
Lethal Tender 37 511-W40 $25.00
Light Game 67 943-W50 $25.00
Lights, Camera, Clowning (Video) 79 1076-W40 $25.00
Linking Ring Bag (either 8" or 10" Rings) 71 992-W40 $7.50
Linking Rings: 8"-8 Rings 71 989-W40 $45.00
Linking Rings: 5"-8 Rings 71 991-W50 $10.00
Linking Rings: 10"-8 Rings 71 990-W40 $50.00 Note: We no longer have "Bumpers" linking rings available. Ours are nice quality imported rings that look and sound great.
Little Chick Pan 74 1012-W40 $20.00
Little Clown Erasers 21 281-W40 $1.00
Little Gumball Machine 84 1147-W50 $3.50
Little Pea Can 71 985-W50 $10.00
Little Peeping Chick 74 1013-W40 $6.50
Lock-Up 46 652-W50 $5.00
Locked Deck 46 651-W40 $9.00
Locking $1.35 Trick 40 552-W40 $28.50
Locking 21¢ Trick 40 551-W40 $16.00
Locomotive 4 13-W50 Gone
Lollipops 17 213-W40 $2.50
Long Card 48 686-W40 $5.00
Looking For A House…W50$5.00 Looking For A House (Jumbo)…(W50)- $10.00
Magic, Message & Humor For The Gospel Clown (Book) 13 169-W40 $6.50
Magic's Greatest Illusion 10 99-W50 $2.00
Magic & Monsters (Ginn) 11 123-W40 $20.00
Magic Box 93 1259-W50 $4.00
Magic Chopping Sword 93 1256-W50 Out of Stock
Magic Flower….19, 54--232/763-W50-$7.50
Magic Is What I Do (Plex Pin) 57 808-W50 $3.50
Magic Liquid Kettle 73 1009-W40 $45.00
Magic Of Storytelling-Tale Of Fluffy Lovenstuff 95 1301-W50 $3.00
Magic Paint Palette 17 217-W40 $18.00
Magic Plus For Laughter 9 94-W50 $5.00
Magic Quarter Trick… 40- 555-W50-- $12.50
Magic Rabbit Doors 101 1361-W50 $10.00
Magic Spiral 59 834-W50 $3.50
Magic Spiral (Jumbo) 59 835-W50 $6.50
Magic String Bottle 87 1179-W50 $1.00
Magic Twirl Bracelet 82 1124-W50 $1.50
Magic With Everyday Objects 107 1416-W50 $10.00
Magically Delicious (Video) 80 1084-W40 $15.00
Magician & Mathematician…48-694-W50-- $10.00
Magician's Cape 53 751-W50 $10.00
Magician's Credit Card 43 619-W50 $7.50
MAGICIAN (Wood Sign) 53 760-W40 $10.00
Magician In Trunk 67 944-W50 $2.50
Magician's Wax…W50--$2.50
Magnetic Doodle Sculptures 90 1220-W50 $7.95
Magnetic Quarter… 102-1374-W40-$22.00
Making Magic Pay…(Book)…12-151-W40-- $5.00
Mark Of A Disciple 78 1049-W40 $15.00
Martyn's Swindle Shells 99 1337-W40 $25.00
Match Boxes: Dollar (Twe) To Matchbox 27 388-W50 $4.00
Dollar To Matchbook W50---$4.00
Match Boxes: Ghostly Matchboxes 27 389-W50 $4.00
Match Boxes: Miracle Matchbox 27 386-W50 $4.00
Match Boxes: Mysterious Match Boxes 27 387-W40 $4.00
Matchbox: Baffling Matchbox Cover 75 1024-W40 $5.00
Matchbox: Baffling Matchbox Penny 75 1023-W50 $5.00
Matchbox Penetration 6 907-W40 $35.00
Match You 58 818-W40 $30.00
Membership in Pickle Club $2.00
Measure of Fun 12 159-W40 $3.50
Medical Invoices 49 710-W50 $2.00/15
Mental Floss 84 1142-W50 $2.50
Mental Logs 101 1359-W50 $6.50
Mental Photography Cards (Aviator) 44 629A-W40 $6.50
Mental Photography Cards (Bicycle) 44 629-W40 $9.50
Mesh Coin Bag 66 930-W40 $5.00
Metal Snap Gum 49 709-W50 50¢/pk
Metamorphosis Card 45 642-W50 $8.00
Microphone Hand 26 354-W40 $20.00
Milk Carton w/Cow Voice 82 1123-W50 $3.50
Milk Pitcher 25 334-W50 $12.95
Million Dollar Bills…103--1381-W50-$1.00
Miller's Little Box.W40--$45.00 Miller's Big Little Box--W40--$65.00
Mind Control Deluxe 85 1154-W50 $5.00
Mind Bender…21/54-268/776-W50-$2.50
Mind Game… 101-1360-W50-$15.00
Mind Reader Deck 59 831-W50 $4.00
Mini Wand 5 19-W50 75¢
Mini Dime 41 578-W50 40¢
Mini Fifty Dollar Bills 41 565-W30 $8.00/100
Mini Five Dollar Bills 41 562-W30 $8.00/100
Mini Five Hundred Dollar Bills 41 567-W30 $8.00/100
Mini Flag Tote Bag… 66- 926-W50--$12.00
Mini Gold Krugerrands 41 584-W50 80¢
Mini Gold Plated Twenty Dollar Gold Piece 41 583-W50 80¢
Mini Half 41 580-W50 40¢
Mini Handcuffs (no key-Japanese) 23 313-W50 $3.00
Mini Ike Dollar 41 581-W50 50¢ Miracle Balls, Mini (Size 1) 33 474-W50 $12.50
Mini Miracle Balls (Size 2) 33 475-W50 $18.00
Mini Money Cups 36 506-W50 $8.00
Mini Nickel 41 577-W50 30¢
Mini One Dollar Bills 41 561-W30 $8.00/100
Mini One Hundred Dollar Bills 41 566-W30 $8.00/100
Mini Five Hundred Dollar Bills 41 567-W30 $8.00/100
Mini One Thousand Dollar Bills 41 568-W30 $8.00/100
Mini Penny 41 576-W50 25¢
Mini Quarter 41 579-W50 40¢
Mini Susan B. Anthony Dollar 41 582-W50 50¢
Mini Ten Dollar Bills 41 563-W30 $8.00/100
Mini Twenty Dollar Bills 41 564-W30 $8.00/100
Miniature Briefcase 112 1462-W50 $10.00
Miniature Checks 91 1229-W50 $2.50/pad
Miniature Coin Set 41 585-W50 $3.00
Miracle Cards (Marked) Stripper Deck 44 633-W40 $3.00
Miracle Screen 14 181-W40 $30.00
Mirror, Oak Flexible 105 1403-W40 $100.00
Mirror Box Ala Pickle 35 -493-W40 $100.00
Mirror Glass 99 1342-W50 $10.00
MisMade American Flag 18 229-W40 $25.00
MisMade Lady 64 906-W40 $15.00
Mismade Dollar Bill…W40--$10.00
Missing Clown… 21- 267-W50-- $8.00
Missing Design, The 106 1407-W50 -$6.00
Missing Piece, Jumbo 14 189-W40--$7.50
Missing Piece, Small…W40--$5.00 Missing Piece, Stage…W40--$25.00
Money Game 40 550-W50 -$3.50
Money Magic (Video) 80 1081-W50 $15.00
Money Maker 94 1277-W50 $4.00
Moon Rock 92 1253-W40 Out of Stock

More Clown Skits For Christ 79 1056-W40 $6.00
More Comedy & Magic 11-128-W50--$6.50
More Magic, Message & Humor 13 170-W40 Out of Stock
Mortimer Magic Magazine #1 96 1304-W40 Out of Stock
Mortimer Magic Magazine #2 96 1305-W40 Out of Stock
Mortimer Magic Magazine #3 96 1306-W40 Out of Stock
Mortimer Magic Magazine #4 96 1307-W40 Out of Stock
Mortimer Magic Magazine #5 96 1308-W40 Out of Stock
Mortimer Magic Magazine #6 96 1309-W40 Out of Stock
Mortimer Magic Magazine #7 96 1310-W40 Out of Stock
Mortimer Magic Magazine #8 96 1311-W40 Out of Stock
Mortimer Magic Magazine #9 96 1312-W40 Out of Stock
Mortimer Magic Magazine #10 96 1313-W40 Out of Stock
Mortimer Magic Magazine #11 96 1314-W40 Out of Stock
Mortimer Magic Magazine #12 96 1315-W40 Out of Stock
Mortimer Magic Magazine #13 96 1316-W40 Out of Stock
Mortimer Magic Magazine, COMPLETE SET (2 sets left) 96 1317-R Call for Availability
Motor Ball 87 1180-W50 $7.50
Motorized Balls 67 945-W50 $7.50
Mouse Finger Puppet 88 1191-W40 Out of stock
Movie Clapper 55 781-W50 $5.95
Moving Creepy Hand 64 917-W40 $18.00
Multi-Bill (4-Way) 41 589-W50 $1.00/7
Multiplying Tennis Ball.. 68--951-W50--$5.00
Multi-Color Streamer (2" X 16')…4--15G/855-W50--$10.00
Mummy Mystery 21 276-W40 $15.00
Murphy's Law For Magicians 10 104-W50 $1.00

My Clown Story 4, 91 15A/ 1225-W50 $5.00
My Church 14 179-W40 $10.00
My Dead Aunt 93 1262-W50 25¢
My Favorite Magic (Video) 80 1078-W50 $15.00
My Favorite 50 Walk-Arounds 106 1405-W40 $6.00
My 50 Other Favorite Walk-Arounds 106 1406-W40 $6.00
My Fish/Your Fish Ruler 90 1264-W50 $3.00
My Kids 57 802-W50 50¢
My Kids Card 88 1188-W50 50¢/card
My Little Church 76 1033-W40 $18.00
My Parents Card 88 1189-W50 50¢/card
My Pet Deck 45 647-W40 $6.00
My Real Business Card 92 1245-W50 $1.00/24
My Real Card 92 1243-W50 $1.00/24
Mylar Balloon Sealer 55 785-R $75.00
Mysterious Four Aces 43 616-W40 $7.50
Mystery Box 102 1372-W40 $25.00
Mystery Picture 55 780-W50 50¢
Mystic Smoke 94 1283-W50 $1.50
Mystical Magical Ruby 75 1028-W40 $6.50
Mystic Ashtray…W50-$15.00
Nail Polish Spill 87 1176-W50 $2.00
Nail Thru Finger 57, 88 805/ 1185-W50 $1.00
Nail Thru Head 56 796-W50 $2.00
Nails Impossible 82 1125-W50 $3.50
Nails Impossible (New) 82 1126-W50 $2.00
Nerd Glasses 56 794-W50 $2.50
New Beginning (Video) 80 1091-W40 $30.00
New Dove Magic 11 117-W40 $7.00
New Finger Flash 73 1002-W50 $12.00
New Glop 89 1209-W50 $1.50
New Shock Book 92 1249-W40 $12.50
New Silkola 74 1015-W40 $30.00
Nickel Shell With Shim 37 516-W40 $1.00
Nickels To Dimes 39 535-W50 $3.00
Night Out With The Girls…W50--$15.00
Nose Blower 88 1182-W40--Fifty Cents
Now Is The Hour 44 638-W40 $6.50
Nut & Bolt Briefcase…102--1370W50--$90.00
Obedient Block 99 1343-W50 $8.00
Obedient Rope 112 1465-W50 $7.00
Obedient Rope (Jumbo)…W50--$8.50
Occult Board (Tenyo)…W40-- $10.00
Oddball 94 1271-W50 $2.50
One Hundred Reasons It's Great To Be A Guy… 67- 943-W50--Fifty Cents
One More Step…(With Bicycle Deck)…51- 739-W50--$7.50
One Thousand Dollars ($1000) 57 810-W40 $1.00
Only Webster 'Noah's' For Sure 51 733-W40 $3.50
Oops 45 644-W40 $6.00
Oops: Son Of Oops 45 645-W40 $6.00
Optical Illusion Photographic Slates 44 628-W50 $7.50
Optical Illusion Ring…83-1133-W50- $7.50
Outrageous Dirty Jokes….56--801-W50- $10.00

Paddle Illusion 57 803-W45 $6.50



Paper Banger 85 1154-W50 $3.50


Parking Tickets 89 1204-W50 80¢/pad
Particle Can 71 986-W50 $10.00
Party Magic For Fun Or Profit (Video) 80 1082-W50 $15.00
Paul Everett-More Gospel Magic 13 163-W40 $7.00
Paul Everett-Visualizing The Gospel 13 164-W40 $7.00
Paul Everett Book-Gospel Magic 13 162-W40 $6.95
Penetration Frame 54, 94 769/ 1282-W50 $5/00
Pen Thru Quarter…36--501-W40--$27.50
Pen Thru Bill… 39--538-W50-- $7.50
Penny Shell With Shim 37 512-W40 60¢
Pentro Penny 94 1272-W50 $4.00
Photographic Slates 44 627-W50 $10.00
Pick-A-Number 96 1318-W40 $20.00
Pick-A-Number: Wallet Size 96 1319-W40 $15.00
Pickle's Shatter Box 24 317-W40 $45.00
Pickle Powder 89 1202-W50 $1.00
Pickle Puppet People 89 1198-W50 $3.50
Pickles, Pickles & More Pickles 18 223-W40 $8.50
Pickle Whistle…11--132-R--Out of stock


Pistol Popper Confetti Shooter 84 1146-W50 30¢
Phantom Heart… 53- 761-W50--$6.50
Plastic Covered Snake 67 937-W50 $2.50
Play It By Ear 68 950-W50 $3.50
Plex Stand…W50-$4.00
Plop 89 1208-W50 60¢
Polish Key Chain 88 1183-W50 $1.00/key
Polish Chopsticks 91 1226-W50 $3.00
Polygripped 36 502-W50 $10.00
Poker Chip Polka…W50--$10.00
Poof, You're A Frog 12-149-W40-- $20.00
Poof II You! (Book 2)… 12-150-W40-- $25.00
Pop Bottle 88 1196-W50 20¢/bottle
Popaway Wand…79- 719-W40--$20.00
Popsy Balloons 52 742-W40 $45.00
Positive Magic 94 1291-W40 $12.50
Power Of The Lord 14 178-W40 $30.00
PowRsound Circular Saw 26 352-W50 Out of Stock
Practical Ministry Skits 13 172-W40 $7.00
Prediction 51 734-W40 $10.00
Prediction-Pocket Size 100 1353-W50 $4.00
Premonition Outdone Outdone 46, 97 658/1322-W40 $15.00
Pride & Joy Card 88 1187-W40 25¢/card
Princess Card Trick 45 646-W40 $15.00
Pro M Deck…W40-$30.00


Purified Water… 34--479-W50-- $20.00
Purple Orange Eater 18 228-W40 $10.00
Purse Frame 39 544-W50 $2.00


Quadriflex 37 509-W40 $15.00
Quarter House 73 1008-W40 $15.00
Quarter Squeeze 39 537-W40 $15.00
Quintet Snake Boxes 64 904-W40 -$5.00
Rabbit Keychain …W50--$1.00
Rabbit Table…101-1356-W40--$125.00
Rat Perfume 90 1222-W50 $2.50
Rate Schedule (3½"X4") 56 789-W50 $1.00/15
Rate Schedule (Business Card) 56 788-W50 $1.00/24
Rattlesnake Eggs 91 1235-W50 $1.00
Realistic Cockroach 49 700-W50 $1.00
Rearview Glasses 89 1207-W50 $5.95
Reflections 10 97-W50 $5.00
Regular Playing Card 46 656-W50 $2.00
Realistic Looking Security Camera…61--852-W40--$10.00
Remote Control Radio…102--1369-W40--$45.00
Release Button Handcuffs 23 305-W50 $8.50
Relighting Candles 56 795-W50 $1.00/10
Right Suit 45 639-W40 $10.00
Ribbon to Bow 4 6-W50 (GONE)
Ring Free…W40..$4.00 Jumbo Ring Free--W40 $6.00
Rising Bottle 84 1143-W50 $3.00
Rising Cards 44 630-W40 $15.00
Rising Card Book… 96--1303-W50--$3.00
Roost:er Whistle 55 783-W50 $2.00


Royal Straight Flush 99 1338-W40 $30.00
Rubber Canary 25 337-W40 $10.00
Rubber Chicken 25 338-W40 $6.50
Rubber Dove 25 336-W40 $20.00
Rubber Fish 91 1227-W50 $6.00
Rubber Pig 88 1190-W50 $9.00
Rubberband Rifle 90 1216-W50 $5.00
Rubbertip Pencil 88 1195-W50 25¢
Rubic's Cube Solution Die Box 4 2-W45 $35.00
Rubout 46 650-W40 $4.00
Sad-Happy Visible Coloring Clown & Frame 4 3-W50 $38.00
Safety Magic For Children 12 153-W40 $35.00
Salted Mixed Nuts 92 1236-W50 $2.00
Samson Pad 77 1035-W40 $6.50/pad
Santa & His Elves 100 1350-W40 $35.00
Sad/Happy Fraidy Cat Clowns…W40--$75.00
Scaredy Cat Rabbit-New Model 24 316-W40 $75.00
Scaredy Cat Rabbits 17 211-W40 $75.00
School Show Presentation, Vol.1, 2, 3 11 121-W40 $35.00
Scotch And Soda 38 526-W50 $20.00
Millenium Scotch & Soda…W50--$21.00
Scratch Pad 84 1149-W40 $1.25/pad
Scribble Runt Tube…86--1169-W40-$25.00
Scrub-A-Dub 18 221-W40 $35.00
Secrets of Magic Revealed, The 96 1302-W40 $18.95
Seeing Is Believing 39 543-W50 $10.00
Seemingly Impossible….43/85----623/1162-W50-- $10.00
Self-Running Production Beads 67 934-R $12.00
Set Me Free 85 1160-W50 $6.00
Sex Report 83 1128-W50 $2.50
Shatter Box, Pickle's 24 317-W40 $45.00
Ship 54 777-W40 $35.00
Shock Calculator 102 1219-W40 $15.00
Shock Diary 102 1365-W40-$12.50
Shock Lighter Deluxe 92/102 1251/ 1367-W50--$12.50
Shock Pen…102- 1366-W40…$12.50
Shooting Pen 88 1193-W50 $2.50
Shooting Pill Box 55 782-W40 $4.00
Shorts, 20th Century 67 941-W50 $16.50
Shrinking Die 94 1273-W50 $2.50
Signed Jumping Bill 4/65 9/ 920-W40 $50.00
Signs-How Do You Keep A (Magician/Clown) Busy? 87- 1178-W50 35¢/2


Six-Bill Repeat 38 -----------521-W50-----------$4.00
Six-Bill Repeat-Deluxe 38 -----------522-W40-----------$5.00
Six-Foot Ruler 18 -----------222-W40-----------$8.50
Six Nail Balance 68 956-W50 $5.00
Sleight of Foot in Mouth-Harry Allen 11 126-W40 $5.00
Sleight of Lips-Harry Allen 11 127-W40 $5.00
Sleight of Tongue-Harry Allen 11 124-W40 $5.00
Sleight of Tongue in Cheek-Harry Allen 11 125-W40 $5.00
Slide Whistle 82 1127-W50 75¢
Slip Off Spots 50 716-W40 $7.50
Small 3½ Of Clubs (Bicycle Back) 48 683-W40 $2.50
Small 2½ Of Spades (Bicycle Back) 48 684-W40 $2.50
Small 52 Cards On 1 (Bicycle Back) 48 687-W40 $2.50
Small 52 Cards w/3 Of Hearts 48 689-W40 $2.50
Small Packet Basics w/Cards (Video) 80 1094-W40 $40.00
Small Popper 49 707-W50 80¢
Snake Mustard Jar 91 1223-W50 $2.50
Snake Rifle 24 314-W40 $65.00
Snap Bracelet 88 1192-W50 $1.00
Snap Lighter 90 1213-W40 $1.50
Snap Snot 54 772-W50 $1.00
Snapper 94 1274-W50 $1.50
Soft Steel 58 815-W40 $12.50
Solo Clown Ministry 79 1061-W40 $7.50
Something For Nothing 75 1019-W50 $12.00
Something For Nothing, Pocket 75 1021-W40 $4.00
Soup's On 68 953-W50 $4.00
Spare Change 38 531-W50 $15.00
Spiked Coin 94 1275-W50 $2.00
Spinning Nickel Set 37 514-W40 $3.00
Split-05¢-Deluxe 104 1394-W50 $5.00
Split-Coke Bottle 24 318-W40 $25.00
Split-O 1¢ 36 497-W50 $3.00
Split-O 5¢ 36 499-W50 $4.00
Split-O Restoration 36 498-W50 $1.00
Split Deck (Aviator) 46 657A-W40 $7 00
Split Deck (Bicycle) 46 657-W40 $10.00
Split Deck Jumbo Bicycle 47 673-W40 $27.50
Split Thought Jumbo Bicycle 47 675-W40 $32.00


Squirt Grapefruit 62 863-W40 out of stock
Spool Off Laces 93 1258-W50 $3.50
Spring Animals-Rocky The Raccoon 21 275-W40 $27.00
Spring Animals-Lithonia "Lilly' The Skunk 21 274-W40 $36.00
Spring Animals-Spring Rabbit 21 273-W40 $32.00
Square Circle 54 766-W50 $8.00
Squeaker-Medium Small 30 426-W50 75¢
Squeaker-Red Accordion 30 429-W50 $1.00
Squeaker-Small 30 425-W50 60¢
Squeaker-Standard 30 427-W50 $1.00
Squeaker-White Accordion 30 428-W50 50¢
Squeakers-Sample Pak 30 430-R $2.00
Squirt Calculator 56 792-W50 $3.00
Squirt Camera-Deluxe (Pocket Size) 90 1218-W50 $2.50
Squirt Catsup 59 832-W50 $1.50
Squirt Cigarette 53 758-W40 75¢
Squirt Eyeball 68 948-W50 $1.50
Squirt Flower 89 1205-W50 $1.50
Squirt Lighter 89 1201-W50 $3.50
Squirt Mustard 59 833-W50 $1.50
Squirt Pen w/Disappearing Ink 89 1206-W50 $3.00
Squirt Stapler 56 793-W50 $3.00
Squirting Snake Camera 24 315-W40 $50.00
Stage Size Directional Arrow 19 234-W40 $10.00
Stan's Slush 4 10-W50 $7.50
Static Kling 39 545-W40 $17.50
Steve Bender's Birthday Party Lecture 9 87-000 no longer avail.
Steve Bender's Birthday Party Lecture-6 years later 9 88-W50 $5.00


Stink Bombs 93 1254-W50 $1.00/3
Stoplight 19 230-W50 $6.50
Story Of The Ark 77 1041-W50 $18.00
Straight Talk Entertaining Children-Tape 11 122-W40 $12.00
Strat-O-Blocks 99 1345-W40 $50.00
Streamer, Rainbow 103 1378-R $40.00
Stripper Aviator 44 634-W40 $4.00
Stripper Bicycle 44 635-W40 $6.50
Sud's Woofle Dust 83 1137-W50 $2.50
Suitcase Table Deluxe 98 1330-W40 $375.00
Sunglasses-Jumbo 87 1177-W50 $2.00
Sure-Fire Magic 11 120-W40 $5.00
Surprise Box 59 830-W50 $3.50
Svengali Cards (Aviator) 47 663-W50 $4.00
Svengali Cards (Bicycle) 47 664-W50 $6.50
Svengali Cards (Import) 47 665-W40 $2.50
Swami (Royal) 94 1267-W50 $3.50
Swami 52 740-W40 $18.00
Switchblade Comb 87 1174-W50 $3.95
Switchblade Pen 87 1173-W50 $3.00
Symbols of Faith (Bob Hill's) 78 1046-W40 $2.00
Take One From Column A 10 105-W50 $6.50
Talking Teeth 84 1145-W50 $5.00
Tape Measure Wrist Watch 17 219-W40 $10.00
Tarbell Course in Magic-Vol. 1 11 133-W40 $20.00
Tarbell Course in Magic-Vol. 2 11 134-W40 $25.00
Tarbell Course in Magic-Vol. 3 11 135-W40 $25.00
Tarbell Course in Magic-Vol. 4 11 136-W40 $25.00
Tarbell Course in Magic-Vol. 5 11 137-W40 $25.00
Tarbell Course in Magic-Vol. 6 11 138-W40 $25.00
Tarbell Course in Magic-Vol. 7 11 139-W40 $25.00
Tarbell Course in Magic-Vol. 8 11 140-W40 $30.00
Tarbell Course in Magic-All 8 Volumes 11 141-R $175.00
Target Prediction Boards-Multi-Color 96 1320-W40 $20.00
Tarot Cards 51 738-W40 $16.50
That Darned Dime 40 555-R $12.00
The Squeak Book 12 143-W40 $1.50
This, That & Then Some 10 100-W50 $5.00
Thread Head (Video) 80 1085-W40 $15.00
Three Card Monte 43 624-W50 $2.50
Three Dozen Tricks w/Gospel Svengali Deck 14 186-W40 $5.00
Three Karat Ring 21 277-W50 $3.00
Three Little Pigs 17 209-W40 $125.00
Thumbcuffs 23 310-W40 $12.00
Thumbtip, Large Rubber (Japanese) 64 909-W40 $3.50
Thumbtip, Small Rubber (Japanese) 64 908-W40 $2.50
Thumbtip Blendo 58 823-W50 $7.00
Thumbtip Blendo Deluxe 104 1391-W50 $7.00
Tide In The Middle 100 1352-W50 $3.50
Time Capsule (Tenyo) 63 898-W40 $6.50
Top Hat 61 862-W50 $5.00
Top Hat Surprise 66 921-W40 $12.00/12
Topsy Turvy Bottles 25 343-W40 $20.00
Torn & Restored Ticket 68 947-W40 $4.00
Train Whistle, Cedar 21 278-W50 $4.50
Traveling Token 38 529-W50 $20.00
Treasure Box 101 1360-W50 $10.00
Tree Card Monte 43 624-W50 $2.50
Tree Card Monte (Jumbo) 43 625-W40 $6.00
Trick Dagger 89 1199-W50 $1.50
Trick Light Socket 90 1210A-W40 $10.00
Trick That Could Have Fooled Einstein 51 730-W50 $5.00
Triple Quarter Drop Bag 39 539-W40 $15.00
Troublewit 24 319-W40 out of Stock Call
Troublewit Booklet 24 320-W40 $4.50


Tunnel Of Penetration 112 1464-W40 $30.00
Twentieth Century Shorts 67 941-W50 $16.00
Twenty-Two Dollar Bills 41 574-W50 $1.00/7
Twin Knots 54 764-W40 $12.00
U.S. Playing Cards 67 935-R $12.00
U.S. Playing Cards-2nd Edition 67 936-R $7.50
Ultimate Insurance Policy 43 622-W50 $4.00
Ultra Mini Cards 47 668-W50 40¢
Unbelievable Duck 105 1399-W40 $35.00
UnPredictable 47 669-W50 $3.00
Unusual Beginning-An Entertaining End(s) 10 103-W50 $6.50
Update List 68 955 $1.00
Vanish, The 106 1409-W50 $15.00
Vanisher 70 984-W40 $6.00
Vanishing Crayons 17 216-W50 $9.00
Vanishing Deck 63 900-W40 $40.00
Vanishing Glass Deluxe 56,70 801-W40, 978-W40 $16.00
Vector Flexor 83 1132-W40 $10.95
Ventriloquism Plain & Simple 95 1293-W40 $6.95
Vernet False Finger Set 64 915-W40 $12.00
Vernet Finger Tip 64 913-W40 $2.00
Vernet Sixth Finger 64 914-W40 $3.00
Vernet Thumbtip 64 910-W50 $2.50
Vernet Thumbtip (Extra Large) 64 911-W50 $3.00
Visible Bag 48 693-W40 $10.00
Vision Tester 78 1048-W40 $20.00
Wake The Wizard 97 1329-W40 $55.00
Waltzing Matilda 58 814-W40 $7.00


Watergate Game 49 708-W40 $5.00
What Is It 24 330-W40 $10.00
What's Next 64 903-W40 $21.00
Where Do Baby Pickles Come From 18 224-W50 $3.50
Whirley Bird 21 279-W40 $2.50
Whistle, Chrome Police 32 463-W50 $1.00
Whistle, Mosquito Whistle 32 462-W50 $1.00
Whistle, Plastic Siren Whistle 32 467-W50 30¢
Whistle, Rooster Whistle 32 465-W50 $1.50
Whistle, Siren Whistle (Chrome) 32 464-W50 $1.00
Whistle, Train Whistle (Cedar) 32 468-W50 $4.50
Whoopee Cushion 87 1181-W50 $1.00
Wilting Flower & Tube, Three Way Three Color 82 1119-W40 $37.50
Wilting Flower (Import) 59 828-W50 $6.50
Wilting Flower With Flexible Ring 50 719-W40 $16.50
Wiregram 47 680-W40 $12.50
Wonder Pen-A-Tration 40 548-W40 $32.50
Wonder Wallet 58 821-W50 $4.00
Wood Snapper 58 820-R $5.00
World's Best Clown Gags 10 107-W40 $6.00
World's Fastest Knot 66 931-W50 $7.00
World's Funniest Clown Skits, The (B. DeChant) 112 1462-W40 $15.00
Wunderbar 50 717-W40 Out of Stock
You Must Be Mistaken 45 640-W50 $4.00
You Must Be Mistaken (Jumbo) 45 641-W50 $6.50
You Will Pick Red 85 1162-W40 $10.00
Zig-Zag (Import) 63 892-W50 $6.00
Zig-Zag (Tenyo) 63 891-W40 $12.50
Zig-Zag Card (Wood) 105 1401-W40 $30.00
Zig - Zag Card (Royal) 94 1285-W50 $5.00
Zip-Zap Gun 91 1232-W50 $1.50
Zip - Zip 94 1276-W50 $2.50
Zippo Bag 98 1334-W40 $18.00
Zipper Banana 26 355-W40 $5.00
Zippered Wallet To Boot Bag 53 759-W40 $18.00
Zombie: LaGrande Zombie 71 993-W40 $40.00

Zombie Gimmick Only ..71..994-W40--$6.50

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If your order is $10 to $25 add $7.50 for S&H
If your order is over $25 add a mere $8.50 for S&H

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© 2005, Laurence Levy