Magical Fun Discount Magic Store
MAGICAL FUN has hundreds of other magic items so if you don't see anything suitable for your magic style simply send us an E-Mail message telling us something about the kind of magic you like, and we will be happy to E-Mail you back some suggested items, at GREAT PRICES for your consideration. Or for a complete product listing click on CATALOG INFORMATION. |
1) BEGINNER'S MAGIC (VIDEO) - Reg. $15.00 Your Price $11.50
This video will teach beginners to do tricks with cards, coins, paper, ropes
and other small objects that you have around the house. PHOTO
2) SPLIT-O 5¢ - Reg. $4.00 Your Price $3.00
A Nickel changes into 5 mini-pennies right in the spectators hand. PHOTO
3) MINI MIRACLE BALLS - 1" - Reg. $12.50 Your Price $9.50
A clear cylinder rests upon a wood base. Another cylinder, foil covered, is placed over the first. Three balls are put into the cylinder and mysteriously change places. One ball is put in your pocket and magically reappears inside the cylinder. All can be examined at the end. PHOTO
4) MINI MIRACLE BALLS - 1 1/2" - Reg. $18.00 Your Price $13.50
Same as above only the balls are much more visible and the outside tube has a metallic shine to it. The balls still change places, change colors, vanish & reappear.
5) MINI TOTE BAG - Reg. $10.00 Your Price $7.50
Made to be used to vanish 1" MINI MIRACLE BALLS - but can be used to vanish or change anything small. Made in plush velvet. PHOTO
6) ONE HAND CHANGE BAG - Reg. $36.00 Your Price $27.00
Multi functional magical prop with unlimited uses. Great colorful plush velvet CHANGE BAG with 3/8" thick birch handle. Perfect for Vanishes and / or CHANGES. Even if spectator is holding the bag, they will not discover the SECRET. PHOTO
7) MIND CONTROL DELUXE - Reg. $5.00 Your Price $4.00
Spectator selects Red, Yellow or Blue laminated card. You successfully predict the one they choose. PHOTO
8) FRAME W/ "SAD/HAPPY" CLOWN INSERT - Reg. $38.00 Your Price $28.50
A bright Red wood frame is shown holding a sad Black & White
Clown. As you slowly remove the clown from the frame he changes visibly into a Smiling, Happy, Full Color Clown. Once you own the frame there are a wide variety of different inserts for you to use to customize the effect for your own magic style. PHOTO
9) BROKEN & RESTORED WAND - Reg. $7.50 Your Price $5.65
A solid wand in Magician's hand collapses when held by spectator. Great Comedy prop ! PHOTO
10) MULTI COLORED ROPES - Reg. $5.00 Your Price $4.00
Three equal lengths of rope are knotted together. One is Red, one White, one Blue. The knots vanish and the three ropes have become one long Red, White & Blue rope. PHOTO
11) NICKELS TO DIMES - Reg. $3.00 Your Price $2.25
Four Nickels change instantly into four Dimes. Quality 3 piece set. PHOTO
12) "TREE" CARD MONTE - Reg. $3.00 Your Price $2.50
A great comedy "monte" card effect. Find the 3 of Hearts. It turns into the "Tree" of Hearts.
13) JUMBO "TREE" CARD MONTE - Reg. $6.00 Your Price $4.80
Same as above, only BIGGER !!! PHOTO
14) CHINESE STICKS - Reg. $6.00 Your Price $4.90
A classic of Magic, performed as serious or comedy magic. Two sticks are held close together and when the short tassel on one is pulled down the long tassel on the other goes up. Even when the sticks are clearly separated the same thing happens. PHOTO
16) MAGIC CATALOG - $15.00 Special Sale $12.50
(you get a $5 credit off your first magic purchase)
The MAGIC CATALOG contains over 1,400 items with something for everyone no matter what their level of interest and ability. Information and props for Magicians, Mimes, Jugglers, Clowns, and just silly stuff. Just a small sample listing of types of items include: books, change bags, balloons, boxes, ropes, silks, money, pans, pins, puppets, sponges, tube and wands. All available at 10% to 25% DISCOUNTS from the real prices.
SHIPPING & HANDLING (S&H): All U.S.Orders are shipped UPS.
If your order is under $10 add $7.00 for S&H
If your order is $10 to $25 add $7.50 for S&H
If your order is over $25 add a mere $8.50 for S&H
For Hawaii, Canada & all Overseas Orders additional S&H charges will apply.